
I'm Patrick Krems, short psolru or Solin
and I am a DevOps Engineer from Germany.


Web development

Mainly creating APIs or backends I also frequently create frontend applications via HTML5, CSS3 and more specific Vue.js.
Disclaimer: I definitely don't do designs!


Since I started in Jan. of 2020 at one of the biggest gameserver hosters in the world I noticed my love for advanced admin tasks. Planning, developing and administrating an infrastructure this size (a few thousand servers) was and is a great challenge which taught me a lot about distributed systems and the high availability they need.


Freeride, Downhill, a few dirt jumps. All of the things other say "I wouldn't do that". That's what I do with my bike :-) I also like to go on a little tour from time to time.

Horseback riding

My girlfriend convinced me to try horseback riding, now I take lessons every week.
Well, what can I say. She convinced me ^_^

Some projects

I work on some private and also some public projects besides my main job. You can have a look at some of them below!


I created xivgear.com some time ago, as a community project to display all equipment sets a user owns. Due to the limitations of the unofficial API, I have decided to discontinue the project. However, I hope to find the time to rework it at some point.
Here you can have a quick look at what it looked like inside the development environment before i discontinued it.

Terrastate HTTP

Terraform stores information about the infrastructure in a state file. The default is a local file. This has obvious disadvantages if more than one person is working on it. Terrastate HTTP gives you the option to store the state in a database somewhere remote, with a locking feature to maintain the correctness of the state and share it with others.

NodeJS Lodestone parser

Webscraping library written in NodeJS and TypeScript to get player information from the FFXIV Lodestone, partly powering XIVGear.com.

HTTP Redirector

Lightweight, easy to use HTTP redirector that can be configured via environment variable. It redirects(301) http requests to another address without special backend code as other projects often have. It uses plain nginx.

Dockerized Adminer with autologin

Dockerized Adminer, which provides the ability to automatically log in / pre-populate credentials via environment variables. Especially useful for development environments where you want to have the neat adminer as a database interface and don't want to retype the username and password all the time.